The observed
thousands of scars, craters, these shallow palaeolagoons should
represent real marks of these prehistorical cosmic events in Brazil and
anywhere. A cosmic massive global event may have last a few hours
to some days long. Millions of meteoroids explosions and
air blast fired forests and cause tsunami at seas and oceans,
incinerating lands, prehistoric villages, melting glaciers, and
poisoning the waters with their hot CN rich plasma jets. The excess
of warm in the atmosphere and oceans released large bodies of water
frozen during the end of Pleistocene, changing all the ecosystems,
initiating a new environmental order, the Holocene..
The Earth Impact Database comprises a list of confirmed impact structures from around the world. The database was conceived in its earliest form when a systematic search for impact craters was initiated in 1955 by the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, under the direction of Dr. Carlyle S. Beals. This was achieved via the study of over 200,000 aerial photographs of the Canadian Shield. Since that time the list has grown as new craters have been added. When the Dominion Observatory impact group moved to the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) in the late 1980s, a more formal listing was developed. In 2001, following termination of impact studies at the GSC, the database was transferred to the Planetary and Space Science Centre at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. The site is currently managed by John Spray (Director, Planetary and Space Science Centre). Major contributions to the development of earlier versions of this database have been made by colleagues Richard Grieve and James Whitehead.
Ad hoc group called the Holocene Impact Working Group (HIWG) was created as follow-up the Workshop on Comets/Asteroid Hazard that was held in the Canary Islands in December of 2004. The group includes the researchers from different field of geoscience who believed that Holocene comet impacts were more frequent in the recent past than the accepted view. The part of this web-site is not open to a wider audience and contains documents and data currently circulating between group members.
The case for significant numbers of extraterrestrial impacts through the late Holocene by Professor Mike Baillie

RavindraVasudeo Godbole Hypothesis
New paleolagoons areas in India proposed by Godbole for impactite site research:
Sea-level change during the Holocene in Sardinia and in the northeastern Adriatic (central Mediterranean Sea) from archaeological and geomorphological data by F. Antonioli et al.
THE SOIL RECORD OF AN EXCEPTIONAL EVENT AT 4000 BP IN THE MIDDLE EAST by Marie-Agnes Courty. The SISCambridge Conference 1997
"Test on various late Third millennium BC archaeological deposit provides evidence for the regional occurrence in northernSyria of a layer with an uncommon petrographic assemblage, dated at ca. 2350 BC. It consists of fine sand-sized, well-sorted spherules of various composition, millimetric sized fragments of a black, vesicular, amorphous material made of silicates with Mg-Ca carbonate and phosphate inclusions, ovoid micro-aggregates made of densely packed crystals and exogenous angular fragments of a coarse crystallised igneous rock. All these particles are only present in this specific layer and are finely mixed with mud-brick debris or with a burnt surface horizon in the contemporaneous soils. In occupation sequences, the layer displays an uncommon dense packing of sand-sized, very porous aggregates that suggests disintegration of the mud-brick construction by an air blast. In the virgin soil, the burnt horizon contains black soot and graphite, and appears to have been instantaneously fossilized by a rapid and uncommon colluvial wash. Occurrence in a previously recorded thick tephra deposit of particles identical to some of the mysterious layer and resemblance of its original pseudo-sand fabric with the exploded one of the mysterious layer confirms that the later is contemporaneous with the tephra deposit. ... The restricted occurrence of the [tephra deposit] suggests that the massive tephra accumulation can no longer be considered as a typical fallout derived from the dispersion of material from a terrestrial volcanic explosion. ... Origin of this mysterious phenomena still remains unsolved."
The External Collapse Theory (ECT) of the Akkad Empire and other cultural schemes of the 3rd millennium BC, was first introduced in the late 1980's or early 1990's. Now, researchers speak of two disparate events, a local one inNear East 2200-2190 BC and 150 years later, 2200-2190 BC, a global one.
The SISCambridge Conference 1997
"Floodplain deposits of up to 3 metres thick and stretching up to 15 kilometres inland have been detected between Tirys and Mycenae" dated to ca. 2200-2300 BC. "...Most sites in Greece (ca.260), Anatolia (ca.350), the Levant (ca.200), Mesopotamia (ca.30), the Indian subcontinent (ca.230), China (ca.20), Persia/Afghanistan (ca.50), Iberia (ca.70) which collapsed at around 2200+-200 BC, exhibit unambiguous signs of natural calamities and/or rapid abandonment. The proxy data detected in the marine, terrestrial, biological and archaeological records point to sudden ecological, climatic and social upheavals which appear to coincide with simultaneous sea- and lake-level changes, increased levels of seismic activity and widespread flood/tsunami disasters. The main problem in interconnecting this vast amount of data chronologically is the application of incoherent and imprecise dating methods in different areas of geological and climatological research..."
"Test on various late Third millennium BC archaeological deposit provides evidence for the regional occurrence in northern
The External Collapse Theory (ECT) of the Akkad Empire and other cultural schemes of the 3rd millennium BC, was first introduced in the late 1980's or early 1990's. Now, researchers speak of two disparate events, a local one in
"Floodplain deposits of up to 3 metres thick and stretching up to 15 kilometres inland have been detected between Tirys and Mycenae" dated to ca. 2200-2300 BC. "...Most sites in Greece (ca.260), Anatolia (ca.350), the Levant (ca.200), Mesopotamia (ca.30), the Indian subcontinent (ca.230), China (ca.20), Persia/Afghanistan (ca.50), Iberia (ca.70) which collapsed at around 2200+-200 BC, exhibit unambiguous signs of natural calamities and/or rapid abandonment. The proxy data detected in the marine, terrestrial, biological and archaeological records point to sudden ecological, climatic and social upheavals which appear to coincide with simultaneous sea- and lake-level changes, increased levels of seismic activity and widespread flood/tsunami disasters. The main problem in interconnecting this vast amount of data chronologically is the application of incoherent and imprecise dating methods in different areas of geological and climatological research..."